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突发!11312TEU集装箱船MSC LUCIANA 在渤海撞上中国货船,距上次马士基浙江撞船仅36天!

2017-11-24 10:00:58      点击:

2017-11-13  文章来源:搜航网

来自国际航行安全跟踪机构FLEETMON昨夜今晨的最新消息: 北京时间11月21日凌晨3时30分,在天津港附近,一艘船名为 MSC LUCIANA,运力高达11312TEU大型集装箱船在渤海海域,和中国籍货船 SULIANHAIJI 0118 苏联海机0118)发生严重碰撞事故!

事故直接造成 SULIANHAIJI 0118苏连海机0118)轮右舷中部破损船体进水,被撞货船上有16名船员处境危险!

                                             11312TEU集装箱船MSC LUCIANA

被撞的中国籍货船 SULIANHAIJI 0118 苏联海机0118)

MRCC Tianjin China was alerted at 0330 Beijing time Nov 21 by collision report.

Mega container ship MSC LUCIANA collided with Chinese cargo ship SULIANHAIJI 011 in Bohai sea, 7 nm off Caofeidian port. MSC LUCIANA  left Tianjin, bound for Busan, and collided with SULIANHAIJI 011  some two or three hours after leaving Tianjin. 

SULIANHAIJI 011 sustained starboard hull breach in midshipsection area, with ensuing massive water ingress. SAR ship BEI HAI JIU 119 (IMO 9763447) was sent to assist. damaged freighter was taken to Caofeidian and anchored, another report said she was grounded to avoid sinking. 16 crew safe. 

MSC LUCIANA interrupted her voyage and was brought to anchor on Caofeidian anchorage, no information on her damages. As of 1230 UTC Nov 22, she was still at anchor. Most probably, she also sustained damages.


从外媒的事故报道中可以看出,事发时“MSC LUCIANA”刚挂靠完天津港前往釜山,在离开天津两三个小时后与苏连海机0118相撞。


                MSC LUCIANA实时位置图

有消息称,事故发生后两艘船现已被就近送往唐山港。目前,但关于事故集装箱船“MSC LUCIANA”的受损情况暂时还无官方报道。 

但从大船期最新的船舶动态来看,今天(11月23日)早上06:58 MSC LUCIANA轮的航行和位置图显示,该船目前已离开天津港,正赶往下一挂靠港韩国釜山港(Busan)的途中,据此分析事故对原定船期的影响应该在不大,有配载此航次的广大货主和物流企业可及时和相关船公司查询,具体船期影响请以船公司通知为准!
